Dragon Fruit
(red and yellow)
The pitahaya or dragon fruit, is an exotic fruit, the climatic and edaphic characteristics of Ecuador affect the quality of the fruit, which develop an intense aroma, as well as a very refreshing and sweet pulp.
Presentation of the product
The fruit is packed in strong corrugated cardboard boxes with corners and dividers to adequately protect the fruit during transit.
Airway Storage and Temperature
The boxes are palletized and shipped on wooden pallets; airlines are willing to keep cargo between 9-15°C, after having received pre-cooling with forced air in modern cold rooms, entering 150 to 160 boxes per pallet, with a net weight per box of 2.5 to 3kg.

Vitamins and minerals
C, B, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vegetable protein and soluble fiber.
Ecuador: Guayas, Bolívar, Pichincha, Pastaza and Morona Santiago.